Unicode surrogate pairs (Python 3.4)

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Sun May 3 11:05:31 EDT 2015

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 12:40 AM, Jon Ribbens
<jon+usenet at unequivocal.co.uk> wrote:
> If I have a string containing surrogate pairs like this in Python 3.4:
>   "\udb40\udd9d"
> How do I convert it into the proper form:
>   "\U000E019D"
> ? The answer appears not to be "unicodedata.normalize".

No, it's not, because Unicode normalization is a very specific thing.
You're looking for a fix for some kind of encoding issue; Unicode
normalization translates between combining characters and combined

You shouldn't even actually _have_ those in your string in the first
place. How did you construct/receive that data? Ideally, catch it at
that point, and deal with it there. But if you absolutely have to
convert the surrogates, it ought to be possible to do a sloppy UCS-2
conversion to bytes, then a proper UTF-16 decode on the result.


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