Setuptools Confusion

Rob Gaddi rgaddi at technologyhighland.invalid
Mon Mar 30 14:11:21 EDT 2015

I'm having two issues trying to make setuptools do what I want to package 
up an application.  Well, actually I'm having many issues, but I'll start 
with the two that are foremost right now.

First, I've got documentation in RestructuredText format that I want to 
cook down to HTML to include in with the application.  I've got a that I can run to do that.  I want to make sure that 
make_docs is run prior to building the sdist package so that the docs in 
the package are always up to date.  I have no idea how to do that.

Secondly, I'm using QSettings to manage my application data, and would 
like to create an .INI file (complete with comments and whatnot) in the 
correct system-dependent location.  Once again, I've got a function 
already written that does this.  I tried the only thing I could find on 
StackOverflow, which was to overwrite the install method with:

from setuptools.command.install import install as _install

# Post-install hook
class post_install(_install):
    def run(self):
        from V120B.configuration import writeini

    # Use the post-install hook to provide the default .INI file.
        'install' : post_install

But I don't see the file getting created.  Also, does this mean I'd also 
have to hook develop separately?

I feel like both my questions come down to the same root; how do I hook 
setuptools to do additional tasks at appropriate times?  Is it really as 
complicated as all this, or is there something trivial and stupid that 
I'm just missing?

Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology --
Email address domain is currently out of order.  See above to fix.

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