What is elegant way to do configuration on server app

Grant Edwards invalid at invalid.invalid
Fri Mar 27 12:28:56 EDT 2015

On 2015-03-27, Jerry OELoo <oyljerry at gmail.com> wrote:

>>>   Make a part of your event loop (assuming your server runs an event
>>>   loop) that wakes up every N seconds (e.g. every 60 seconds) and
>>>   checkes the file's modification timestamp again; if it's newer, record
>>>   that value for future comparisons, then re-read the file for its
>>>   values.
>> That sounds rather Windowsesque.  The more-or-less standard way to do
>> handle the situation on Unix is to reread the config file when you get
>> a SIGHUP.
> Why use SIGHUP,

It's just tradition.  Some other seldom-used signal could have been
chosen, but way back when somebody chose SIGHUP, and other people
followed suit.

> Does it has something to do with configure file modification?

Not intrinsically.  It's just a convention in the Unix world that
sending SIGHUP to a daemon will cause it to re-read its configuration

I presume that automagically reading them any time they changed was
both too much hassle and possibly dangerous: if a file is being
edited, it might get saved in intermediate (broken) states during the
editing session.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! An air of FRENCH FRIES
                                  at               permeates my nostrils!!

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