Enthought Canopy

subhabrata.banerji at gmail.com subhabrata.banerji at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 07:38:43 EDT 2015


I was trying to download Python2.7 in a new machine. I found Python2.7.9. 
I tried to install few libraries like Numpy, Sympy, Scipy, NLTK etc. 
I was trying to use http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ to download the libraries. 
Initially there were some problems to download Numpy. 
So tried to get Canopy from https://www.enthought.com/products/canopy/package-index/,
and found it also has IDLE as GUI. 
I found numpy, scipy there. 

Now I saw if I install the .whl files I can install it in Canopy and use it from the IDLE available there. 

These files are not getting installed in my original Python library and I am not finding them in the original Python GUI. 

May I use Enthought based Python2.7 and its associated GUI for developing software or should I migrate and use the Python2.7 library and its associated GUI?

If anyone of the members may kindly suggest. 


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