A simple single line, triple-quoted comment is giving syntax error. Why?

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn PointedEars at web.de
Wed Mar 18 15:53:30 EDT 2015

Laurent Pointal wrote:

> Laurent Pointal wrote:
>> Take care of indent:
>> def f(x):
>>     a = 5
>>     """an correctly indented expression to be
>>     inside the function"""
>>     return a * x
> Here only the first indent of """ at beginning of the string to be aligned
> to function bloc is important, remaining content of the string can be
> indented or not.

I must strongly object and recommend against getting accustomed to the 
suggested use of multi-line string literals.  First of all, it is too easy 
to produce invalid code this way.  Also, standalone multi-line string 
literals in Python code serve a specific purpose when at the beginning of a 
function, method or class clock: they constitute *docstrings”, setting the 
respective object’s “__doc__” attribute:

>>> def f(x):
...    """Returns a multiple of 5"""
...    a = 5
...    return a * x
>>> print(f.__doc__)
Returns a multiple of 5

This means that different to real comments, the content of string literals 
is *parsed*.  You do not want to waste the time of the compiler compiling 
code that serves no purpose; particularly not in a language like Python 
where code is JIT-compiled by default.

Not any less important: Using standalone multi-line string literals in any 
other way is syntactically correct indeed, but makes the code harder to 
read.  Keep in mind that code may be written only once, but read many times 
by other people during its lifetime.  It is important to write code so that 
it is easy to read, so that it can be easily reused and adapted by oneself 
and others (a month, a year later).

If you want to comment your code, then by all means do so using docstrings 
and *real* comments.  IDEs like PyDev support you there.  That way also the 
syntax highlighting will be correct.  And with real comments, the Python 
compiler does not care about the indentation.  As to where you should put 
comments, I recommend in general, in all programming languages, if possible 
to put the comments on their own line, *before* the statement that they are 
describing, and using the same indentation, preferably preceded by an empty 
line (so that the comment and the code it documents stand out).



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