generator/coroutine terminology

Marko Rauhamaa marko at
Fri Mar 13 05:36:13 EDT 2015

Rustom Mody <rustompmody at>:

> Nice demo of the same confusing terminology we are talking about.

Why don't you just stick with the terminology of the language
specification? I think your students are going to be more confused if
you try to come up with something better.

> When I say "expect generators to close" I mean 'generator-instances'
> ie at runtime
> When you say "expect both to close with return" you are talking of
> program-texts ie the 'factory'
> [Or I am guilty of the same I am accusing python of]

Your 'factory' is a:

        A function which returns an iterator.

Your 'generator-instance' is an:

        An object representing a stream of data.

I don't think you should read much into what str(obj) returns. It's not
much more than a random printable some CPython coder has cooked up in
the heat of the moment.


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