(Still OT) Nationalism, language and monoculture [was Re: Python Worst Practices]

Marko Rauhamaa marko at pacujo.net
Thu Mar 5 15:10:00 EST 2015

Steve Hayes <hayesstw at telkomsa.net>:

> On Wed, 04 Mar 2015 21:33:01 +0200, Marko Rauhamaa <marko at pacujo.net>
>>English-speaker, when you name things in your Python programs, you had
>>better stick to American spellings.
>>Even more important, when you talk about Python or other computer stuff
>>to a non-English-speaker, try to emulate the accent most people around
>>the world are most familiar with, American English. If you find that
>>overwhelming, try to speak like a BBC newsreader. Your native accent can
>>be very difficult to understand.
> Are things named in Python named with an accent?
> Can you tell what my accent is like when  I write in this newsgroup?

It's clear my accent is clouding my message.


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