executable egg?

dmaziuk dmaziuk at bmrb.wisc.edu
Thu Jun 18 12:53:54 EDT 2015

Hi all,

Here's my directory structure:


I can make an egg with "python setup.py bdist_egg" and it works just fine. I'd like to make it executable with "python myegg.egg" which is supposed to be doable in 2.6+. According to everything I can find, all I need is to add


The end result, however, is "/usr/bin/python: can't find '__main__' module". It is correct: checking the egg with unzip -l shows that __main__.py is indeed not in it. So I played with options for including package data, also made a stab or two at entry_points with no luck.

So, what am I missing. Or does it only work with one package in the egg?

(I'm using 2.7 & 2.6 on centos 7 & 6 resp.)

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