Built-in Python3 web server functionality - wsgiref & http.server

Eric ericgorr at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 15:13:33 EDT 2015

I am trying to better understand the built-in python3 web server functionality and have just started reading the documentation.

There seem to be two options provided by Python 3.



Both options appear to offer a simple way to get a simple web server up and running. It does appear that wsgiref is built on top of http.server. Is this correct? 

Would it be correct to say that wsgiref is a high(er?)-level framework for designing web-based applications where as http.server is operating at a lower level? While one could do everything with just http.server, if wsgiref was appropriate for a particular use case, it would be the path to follow.

Any insights into this topic would be appreciated.

Are there any good python 3 books covering this functionality?

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