What is considered an "advanced" topic in Python?

Denis McMahon denismfmcmahon at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 11:30:32 EDT 2015

On Fri, 29 May 2015 09:01:55 -0700, Mike Driscoll wrote:

> I've been asked on several occasions to write about intermediate or
> advanced topics in Python and I was wondering what the community
> considers to be "intermediate" or "advanced". I realize we're all
> growing in our abilities with the language, so this is going to be very
> subjective, but I am still curious what my fellow Python developers
> think about this topic.

Hmmm, in terms of learning about computer programming:

simplest: print "hello world"

then things get more advanced in steps:

(1) more instructions, but executed linearly, numbers and strings.

(2) conditional execution - if statement (including error trapping)

(3) loops, lists, dictionaries

(4) defining functions

(5) recursion

(6) sexy python stuff - things like list comprehensions, using iterators, 
importing modules etc

I think that's probably "basic python" covered in 6 steps (7 if you 
include hello world). Although you now have all the tools you need to 
write python code to do possibly very complex tasks, and thus to write 
very complex programs, you're using (IMO) basic python programming skills 
in doing so.

I guess that makes OOP / classes the advanced topic in my system.

I don't consider "using library x to do y" as advanced python, it's just 
gluing together existing functions with your own basic programming, no 
matter whether the library is for hardware IO, interfacing to a database 

Denis McMahon, denismfmcmahon at gmail.com

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