A simple print cannot run in Python Shell

Jussi Piitulainen jpiitula at ling.helsinki.fi
Mon Jun 1 03:59:29 EDT 2015

fl writes:

> When I run the following command in a Python 2.7.9 Shell on Windows 7,
> print r'C:\\nowhere'
> It has error:
>>>> print r'C:\\nowhere'
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> What is the problem? Why does it behave different at .py file
> and Python Shell?

Have you executed the following in that shell?

   from __future__ import print_function

That replaces the Python 2 print command with the Python 3 print
function and then you would get that error message.

Apologies if you've done that because I used it in one of my examples
about reversed(). I didn't mean to confuse - I've just never quite
learnt the Python 2 print syntax myself.

There is no "from __past__ import print_command", is there? To recover
the original functionality in that shell :)

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