RAII vs gc (was fortran lib which provide python like data type)

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Sat Jan 31 22:21:22 EST 2015

On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Steven D'Aprano
<steve+comp.lang.python at pearwood.info> wrote:
>> A C++ statement with RAII like
>> {
>>    Foo bar();
>>    // suite
>> }
>> is not equivalent to
>>     bar = Foo()
>> in Python. It actually corresponds to
>> with Foo() as bar:
>>     <suite>
> Nice answer! I'm not qualified to tell whether you are right or not, but
> what you say has the ring of truth about it.

I would say that this is indeed correct, with the caveat that RAII is
most often used for memory allocation, in which case the correct
transformation into Python _would_ be a constructor call. But when you
use this kind of thing to set up state and clean up afterwards, then
yes, Python's equivalent would be a context manager.

So a C++ way to release and reacquire the GIL might look like this
(borrowing from https://docs.python.org/3.5/c-api/init.html):

class ReleaseGIL
    //Internal state
    PyThreadState *_save;
    ReleaseGIL() {_save = PyEval_SaveThread();}
    ~ReleaseGIL() {PyEval_RestoreThread(_save);}

//Usage example:
int do_work()
    while (1)
        //use the Python C API to figure out what we need to do
        ReleaseGIL heavy_processing_coming;
        //do the heavy computational work
    } //GIL is reacquired here

The Python equivalent would be something like:

def release_gil():
    """Why the <bleep> are we manipulating the
    GIL from Python code anyway???"""
    _save = PyEval_SaveThread()

def do_work()
    while True:
        # get some work
        with release_gil() as heavy_processing_coming:
            # do the heavy computational work
        # GIL is reacquired here

In each case, you have a guarantee that code following the suite will
not be executed without first performing the appropriate cleanup.


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