Python is DOOMED! Again!

wxjmfauth at wxjmfauth at
Fri Jan 23 04:07:20 EST 2015

Le jeudi 22 janvier 2015 05:31:12 UTC+1, Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
> Occasionally you find people spreading Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt about 
> Python. Python is now over 20 years old and one of the most popular 
> languages in the world no matter how you measure popularity:
> so you don't often get FUD these days. When you do, it's usually about 
> whitespace, or "Python is too slow", or occasionally "Python 3 is killing 
> Python", but the latest FUD is about PEP 484 and type-hinting:
> Here's a typical example:
>     Python is already headed towards obscurity. ... it seems that 
>     GvR intends to drive the final nail in python's coffin with 
>     this "type hinting" crap that will convert Python syntax from 
>     a readable pseudo code into a cryptic nightmare.
>     Type hinting violates the very ESSENCE of what Python was
>     meant to be, that is: a "clean and intuitive syntax". 
> (Google for it if you care for the source.)
> So what is this unspeakable, nightmarish, cryptic abomination going to look 
> like? Here's an example from PEP 484:
> def greeting(name: str) -> str:
>     return 'Hello ' + name
> I don't know about you, but I think anyone who cannot read that and intuit 
> that argument `name` is a string and the return result is also a string is 
> probably going to have bigger troubles with Python than just type-hinting.
> Remember too that type-hinting will *absolutely* remain *completely* 
> optional for Python. Developers can choose to use it or not, they can mix 
> hinted code with regular unhinted code, they can use type declarations 
> purely as documentation or they can run an optional type-checker, as they 
> choose.
> Here's a potential real-world example, from the statistics module in Python 
> 3.4, before and after adding annotations:
> def median_grouped(data, interval=1): ...
> def median_grouped(data:Iterable[Real], interval:Real=1)->Real: ...
> I say "potential" because the standard library doesn't use annotations yet, 
> but it may in the future. 
> So how does Python's proposed type-hints compared to that used by other 
> languages?
> Java:
>   public double median_grouped(List<Double> data, double interval) {}
> Pascal:
>   function median_grouped(data: IterableOfReal; interval: Real): Real;
> C:
>   double
>   median_grouped (IterableOfReal data, double interval)
> Haskell:
>   median_grouped               :: [Double] Double -> Double
>   median_grouped data interval =  ...
> (I may have taken some very slight liberties with the syntax, corrections or 
> more idiomatic forms are very welcome.)
> I think it is clear that Python's annotation syntax remains quite close to 
> executable pseudo-code. Fears that type-hints will doom Python are not 
> credible.
> -- 
> Steve

Hey, two days ago, I found a new way to make Python crash
with non ascii characters.
Good news for potential users. No?


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