Python is DOOMED! Again!

Sturla Molden sturla.molden at
Thu Jan 22 13:03:33 EST 2015

Steven D'Aprano <steve+comp.lang.python at> wrote:

> Remember too that type-hinting will *absolutely* remain *completely* 
> optional for Python. Developers can choose to use it or not,

No! Developers have to do what managers and customers tell them to do. They
will start to require type hinting everywhere. And then the question is
what Python has to offer over Java or Swift.

Python will no longer be dynamic, it will just be a slow static language.

Yes, Python could still be used as a dynamic language, but nobody will
allow you to do it. Even packages in widespread use will be banned because
they don't typehint. And then there will be complaint about lack of such

And in 5 years every textbook read by new Python programmers will require
type hinting as a "best practice".

Forget about compatibility with Python 2.

People will upgrade from Python 2 to Swift.

And then goodbye.


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