
Ben Finney ben+python at
Mon Jan 19 17:16:09 EST 2015

Zachary Gilmartin <zacharygilmartin at> writes:

> Why aren't there trees in the python standard library?

What sort of answer are you looking for? There are many ways that
question could be intended.

If you're asking about what could be keeping a particular tree
implementation out of the standard library: that depends on what
particular implementations you have in mind. Are there any which exist
that you think belong in the standard library?

If you're asking about some policy that prevents any such inclusion, I'm
not aware of such a policy.

If you're asking because you think all data structures magically appear
in the standard library by wishing it so, I think you over-estimate the
powers of the standard library maintainers.

If you're asking something else, you'll need to be more explicit.

 \                “Every sentence I utter must be understood not as an |
  `\                      affirmation, but as a question.” —Niels Bohr |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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