"cannot set color attribute.." with Mayavi

sperelat at hanmail.net sperelat at hanmail.net
Wed Jan 14 03:50:43 EST 2015

I use mayavi module to plot  some function on a spherical surface.
The code read data from files and make 3d plot.

This code  worked well when I ran it with ipython interpreter on one machine.

from numpy import *
from mayavi.mlab import *





x = r*sin(theta)*cos(phi)   
y = r*sin(theta)*sin(phi)
z = r*cos(theta) 

mesh(x, y, z,scalars=spin_q,colormap='jet')

When I tried to run it on another machine, it makes error like below.

"Cannot set the undefined 'color' attribute of a 'Light' object.
<mayavi.modules.surface.Surface at 0xbc17240>

I actually don't understand what the problem is.

I just guess  that there was some installation problem.

The machine that works well with the code has Windows  XP as its OS,

and another machine has Windows 7.

PythonXY does not seem to be installed properly on this Windows 7 machine.

Does anyone have idea on  the meaning and the origin   of the error  message ?

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