Announce: PyPrimes 0.2.1a

Christian Gollwitzer auriocus at
Thu Jan 8 02:27:53 EST 2015

Hi Steve,

Am 08.01.15 um 05:35 schrieb Steven D'Aprano:
> At long last, I am pleased to announce the latest version of PyPrimes, a
> pure Python package for working with prime numbers.


> PyPrimes is compatible with Python 2 and 3, and includes multiple
> algorithms for the generating and testing of prime numbers, including the
> Sieve of Eratosthenes, Croft Spiral, Miller-Rabin and Fermat
> probabilistic tests.

I don't want to badmouth your effort, but it seems to me that this is 
still a collectino of rather simple algorithms. What about the AKS test, 
which is O(P) and deterministic for all primes, what about elliptic 
curve factorization or a quadratic sieve?

I'm sure that other people with better knowledge of number theory could 
propose some more generally useful algorithms.


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