problem with for and if

MRAB python at
Mon Jan 5 09:48:53 EST 2015

On 2015-01-05 14:27, Dariusz Mysior wrote:
> I want search count of szukana in zmienna but code below counting all 12 letters from "traktorzysta" word
> szukana="t"
> zmienna="traktorzysta"
> def gen():
>      count=int(0)
>      for a in zmienna:
>          if szukana in zmienna:
>              count+=1
>          else:
>              continue
>      return count
> print("Literka '",szukana,"' w słowie ",zmienna,
>        "wystąpiła ",gen()," razy")
It's asking whether szukana is in zmienna for each character in zmienna.

There are 12 characters in zmienna, so it's asking 12 times.

Because szukana is in zmienna, it adds 1 to count each time, giving a
total of 12.

If szukana wasn't in zmienna, then nothing would be added to count,
giving a total of 0.

The body of the loop should be:

       for a in zmienna:
           if a == szukana:
               count += 1

Other notes:

0 is already an int, so int(0) is just 0!

There's no need for the 'else' part in the 'if' statement

Strings have a .count method, so you can, in fact, simplify it to just:

def gen():
     return zmienna.count(szukana)

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