How do I remove/unlink wildcarded files

Cameron Simpson cs at
Fri Jan 2 05:21:53 EST 2015

On 02Jan2015 10:00, Ervin Hegedüs <airween at> wrote:
>On Thu, Jan 01, 2015 at 05:13:31PM -0600, Anthony Papillion wrote:
>> I have a function I'm writing to delete wildcarded files in a directory.
>> I tried this:
>> def unlinkFiles():
>>     os.remove("/home/anthony/backup/unix*")
>> This doesn't seem to work because it's a wildcard filename. What is the
>> proper way to delete files using wildcards?
>Now I didn't checked, but once I've used some like this:
>def unlinkFiles():
>    dirname = "/path/to/dir"
>    for f in os.listdir(dirname):
>        if re.match("^unix*$", f):
>            os.remove(os.path.join(dirname, f))

That is a very expensive way to check the filename in this particular case.  

  if f.startswith('unix'):

instead of using a regular expression.

But generally the OP will probably want to use the glob module to expand the 
shell pattern as suggested by others.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

Each new user of a new system uncovers a new class of bugs.     - Kernighan

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