Future of Pypy?

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Tue Feb 24 12:57:06 EST 2015

On 2/22/2015 9:22 AM, Laura Creighton wrote:

> There was, and still is, an enormous amount of resentment about this.
> For a lot of people, the perception was, and still is that the benefits
> of Python 3.x over Python 2.x was not worth breaking backwards
> compatibility.  And there still are plenty of places whose plan is
> to use Python 2.7 indefinitely into the far future.  I've got 15
> years worth of commercial python code out there in the world, and
> nobody wants it converted enough to pay me to do so.  Their position
> is that it runs quite well enough as it is.  I'm sure not
> going to convert the stuff for fun.  Practically every Python consultant on
> the planet is in the same boat.


As a glue language, it's simply impractical to reapply the glue.


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