function inclusion problem

Chris Angelico rosuav at
Wed Feb 11 10:37:16 EST 2015

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 2:07 AM, Dave Angel <d at> wrote:
> Similarly, if you import from more than one module, and use the import*
> form, they could conflict with each other.  And the order of importing will
> (usually) determine which names override which ones.

Never mind about conflicts and order of importing... just try figuring
out code like this:

from os import *
from sys import *
from math import *

# Calculate the total size of all files in a directory
tot = 0
for path, dirs, files in walk(argv[1]):
    # We don't need to sum the directories separately
    for f in files:
        # getsizeof() returns a value in bytes
        tot += getsizeof(f)/1024.0/1024.0

print("Total directory size:", floor(tot), "MB")

Now, I'm sure some of the experienced Python programmers here can see
exactly what's wrong. But can everyone? I doubt it. Even if you run
it, I doubt you'd get any better clue. But if you could see which
module everything was imported from, it'd be pretty obvious.


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