Alternative to multi-line lambdas: Assign-anywhere def statements

Albert van der Horst albert at
Wed Feb 11 08:04:22 EST 2015

In article <mailman.18121.1422151185.18130.python-list at>,
Ethan Furman  <ethan at> wrote:
>On 01/24/2015 11:55 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 5:56 AM, Ethan Furman <ethan at> wrote:
>>> If the non-generic is what you're concerned about:
>>> # not tested
>>> dispatch_table_a = {}
>>> dispatch_table_b = {}
>>> dispatch_table_c = {}
>>> class dispatch:
>>>   def __init__(self, dispatch_table):
>>>     self.dispatch = dispatch_table
>>>   def __call__(self, func):
>>>     self.dispatch[func.__name__] = func
>>>     return func
>>> @dispatch(dispatch_table_a)
>>> def foo(...):
>>>    pass
>> That's still only able to assign to a key of a dictionary, using the
>> function name.
>This is a Good Thing.  The def statement populates a few items, __name__ being one of them.  One
>of the reasons lambda
>is not encouraged is because its name is always '<lambda>', which just ain't helpful when the
>smelly becomes air borne!  ;)

That's the reason why my ideal Python doesn't attach a name to a lambda denotation:

x -> x**2

is a function object, not something that has a name.

It is not until we assign the object to a name (which becomes thereby a function)
that the __name__ thingy comes into play, like so.

f = x->x**2
f = x-> return x**2
for those who don't like Algol68

I've heard arguments that with -> the __name__ is not filled in correctly.
I can't see why the parser would understand more easily

def f(x):
    return x**2


f = x->
    return x**2

[I'm striving for simplification, doing away with both the lambda and
the def keywords. This is not a proposal for a language change, I'm
trying to explore possibilities here. ]


Groetjes Albert
Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters.
albert at spe&ar& &=n

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