Converting py files to .exe and .dmg

Denis McMahon denismfmcmahon at
Mon Dec 28 10:48:08 EST 2015

On Mon, 28 Dec 2015 07:35:18 -0800, Brian Simms wrote:

> I have done a lot of looking around online to find out how to convert
> Python files to .exe and .dmg files, but I am confused. Could someone
> provide pointers/advice as to how I can turn a Python file into a
> Windows .exe and Mac .dmg file.

Python files are scripts, they need to be run by an interpreter.

If you want an executable file, you need to compile them. I don't know if 
this is possible.

Otherwise, if you want to distribute the .py files, then the people you 
distribute them to will need to install a python interpreter on the 
machine they wish to execute them on.

Denis McMahon, denismfmcmahon at

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