Need help on a project To :"Create a class called BankAccount with the following parameters "

Prince Udoka princeudo52 at
Mon Dec 28 04:39:30 EST 2015

def manipulate_data(kind, data): 
    if kind == 'list': 
        return list(data)[::-1] 
    elif kind == 'set':
        return set(data)
    elif kind == 'dictionary': 
        return dict.keys(data) 
manipulate_data("list", range(1,6)) 
manipulate_data("set", {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e",}) 
manipulate_data("dictionary", {"apples": 23, "oranges": 15, "mangoes": 3, "grapes": 45})
just use a function to add "ANDELA", "TIA", "AFRICA" to the set, the u are don

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