Need help on a project To :"Create a class called BankAccount with the following parameters "

princeudo52 at princeudo52 at
Fri Dec 25 21:04:15 EST 2015

#i have worked over 2hours only to get this: some-one help please
manipulate_data = []
item = {"apples": 23, "oranges": 15, "mangoes": 3, "grapes": 45}
for i in  reversed(manipulate_data):
    new = {"ANDELA", "TIA", "AFRICA"}
    def list_append(manipulate_data, new):
        return new
        return dict.keys()

 print manipulate_data
#this is the instruction:
Create a function manipulate_data that does the following
Accepts as the first parameter a string specifying the data structure to be used "list", "set" or "dictionary"
Accepts as the second parameter the data to be manipulated based on the data structure specified e.g [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] for a list data structure
Based off the first parameter

    return the reverse of a list or
    add items `"ANDELA"`, `"TIA"` and `"AFRICA"` to the set and return the resulting set
    return the keys of a dictionary.

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