Need help on a project To :"Create a class called BankAccount with the following parameters "

malitician at malitician at
Thu Dec 24 14:36:11 EST 2015

On Thursday, December 24, 2015 at 3:39:34 PM UTC+1, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 1:17 AM,  <princeudo52 at> wrote:
> > i am getting to believe that no one can provide a solution to this challenge, every-one here is just beating around the bush
> It's not a question of 'can' but 'will'. We will not provide the
> answer to your homework question. This has already been explained to
> you.
> ChrisA

you are right chris
it is a homework, but we are to figure out the solution first , all we need is some guidance please and not to be spoon fed like many thought 

in case anybody missed the question here is it 

>Create a class called BankAccount

>Create a constructor that takes in an integer and assigns this to a `balance` property.

>Create a method called `deposit` that takes in cash deposit amount and updates the balance accordingly.

>Create a method called `withdraw` that takes in cash withdrawal amount and updates the balance accordingly. if amount is greater than balance return `"invalid transaction"`

>Create a subclass MinimumBalanceAccount of the BankAccount class

and there is a unittest that evaluate our code to check if we got it right ( i believe) and here  it is below

import unittest
class AccountBalanceTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
  def setUp(self):
    self.my_account = BankAccount(90)
  def test_balance(self):
    self.assertEqual(self.my_account.balance, 90, msg='Account Balance Invalid')
  def test_deposit(self):
    self.assertEqual(self.my_account.balance, 180, msg='Deposit method inaccurate')
  def test_withdraw(self):
    self.assertEqual(self.my_account.balance, 50, msg='Withdraw method inaccurate')
  def test_invalid_operation(self):
    self.assertEqual(self.my_account.withdraw(1000), "invalid transaction", msg='Invalid transaction')
  def test_sub_class(self):
    self.assertTrue(issubclass(MinimumBalanceAccount, BankAccount), msg='No true subclass of BankAccount')

and i come up with this code which i believe i'm 80 percent correct

class BankAccount:
    def __init__(self, initial_amount):
        self.balance = initial_amount
    def deposit(self, amount):
        self.balance += amount
    def withdraw(self, amount):
        if self.balance>= amount:
            self.balance  -=  amount
          print('invalid transaction')

a1 = BankAccount (90)
class MinimumBalanceAccount(BankAccount):
    def __init__(self):

but i kept getting this error from the unittest

{"finished": true, "success": [{"fullName": "test_balance", "passedSpecNumber": 1}, {"fullName": "test_deposit", "passedSpecNumber": 2}, {"fullName": "test_sub_class", "passedSpecNumber": 3}, {"fullName": "test_withdraw", "passedSpecNumber": 4}], "passed": false, "started": true, "failures": [{"failedSpecNumber": 1, "fullName": "test_invalid_operation", "failedExpectations": [{"message": "Failure in line 23, in test_invalid_operation\n    self.assertEqual(self.my_account.withdraw(1000), \"invalid transaction\", msg='Invalid transaction')\nAssertionError: Invalid transaction\n"}]}], "specs": {"count": 5, "pendingCount": 0, "time": "0.000080"}}
invalid transaction
invalid transaction

its like this part of the unittest explains my error  

[{"message": "Failure in line 23, in test_invalid_operation\n    self.assertEqual(self.my_account.withdraw(1000), \"invalid transaction\", msg='Invalid transaction')\nAssertionError: Invalid transaction\n"}]}], "specs": {"count": 5, "pendingCount": 0, "time": "0.000080"}}

but i dont know what it means or where i have gone wrong in my code
and for that need help on Create a subclass MinimumBalanceAccount of the BankAccount class

i believe the last three lines of my code answered your question.
i believe someone can help me with my problem.
Thanks in advance

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