return from function

Jon Ribbens jon+usenet at
Mon Dec 21 07:07:29 EST 2015

On 2015-12-20, Emil Natan <shlyoko at> wrote:
> I have the following function to find the parent for domain. It removes the
> left most label from the name and then checks if SOA record exists for the
> reminder, if not it calls itself recursively removing another label and
> checking again for SOA record. It works well for '' and ''
> for example. It does not return the expected value 'uk' when invoked for '
>', though the print command before the return prints what is
> expected. Can someone explain why? Thanks.

You probably want to look at this:

>     except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN:
>         print('NXDOMAIN: invoke find_parent_domain recursively')
>         find_parent_domain(parent_domain)

          return find_parent_domain(parent_domain)

>     except dns.resolver.NoAnswer:
>         print('NoAnswer: invoke find_parent_domain recursively')
>         find_parent_domain(parent_domain)

          return find_parent_domain(parent_domain)

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