Need help on a project To :"Create a class called BankAccount with the following parameters "

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at
Sat Dec 19 19:41:12 EST 2015

On 19/12/2015 23:19, malitician at wrote:
> you are absolutely correct Mark
> i'm a beginner in python and  from the original question and test case given above i wrote this
> class BankAccount(object):
>      def __init__(self, initial_balance=0):
>          self.balance = initial_balance
>      def deposit(self, amount):
>          self.balance +=amount
>      def withdraw(self, amount):
>          self.balance -= amount
> my_account = BankAccount(90)
> my_account.withdraw(1000)
> if my_account.balance < 4:
>      print('invalid transaction')
> class MinimumBalanceAccount(BankAccount):
>      def __init__(self, MinimumBalance=4):
>          self.minbalance = MinimumBalance
> after executing this i got this  TEST SOLUTION ERROR which i don't know what it means
> {"finished": true, "success": [{"fullName": "test_balance", "passedSpecNumber": 1}, {"fullName": "test_deposit", "passedSpecNumber": 2}, {"fullName": "test_sub_class", "passedSpecNumber": 3}, {"fullName": "test_withdraw", "passedSpecNumber": 4}], "passed": false, "started": true, "failures": [{"failedSpecNumber": 1, "fullName": "test_invalid_operation", "failedExpectations": [{"message": "Failure in line 23, in test_invalid_operation\n    self.assertEqual(self.my_account.withdraw(1000), \"invalid transaction\", msg='Invalid transaction')\nAssertionError: Invalid transaction\n"}]}], "specs": {"count": 5, "pendingCount": 0, "time": "0.000065"}}
> -910
> invalid transaction
> SO please what is wrong with my code, does it not meet the requirement of the "test case" given above in the question?
> Thanks in advance

It's a start but you've still left things out.  If I run your code as 
given above it outputs "invalid transaction", exactly as expected.  So 
how are you running the code?  Where does the extra output you give 
above come from, presumably the "test case", whatever that might be?

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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