Why my image is in bad quality ?

fsn761304 at gmail.com fsn761304 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 09:04:37 EST 2015

I'm trying to make OCR-recognition on a screenshot, after screenshot taken it goes to pibxbuffer, which content goes to pytesseract.
But after using pixbuffer image quality is bad (I tried to save it in a directory, instead of pixbuffer, and looked at it).
Below is the problematic snippets of code, further is the whole function.

pixbufObj = Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_window(window, x, y, width, height)
image = Image.frombuffer("RGB", (width, height), 
                                 pixbufObj.get_pixels(), 'raw', 'RGB', 0, 1)
        image = image.resize((width*20,height*20), Image.ANTIALIAS)

Full function:

    def takeScreenshot(self, x, y, width = 150, height = 30):
        window = Gdk.get_default_root_window()
        #x, y, width, height = window.get_geometry()

        #print("The size of the root window is {} x {}".format(width, height))

        # get_from_drawable() was deprecated. See:
        # https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/ch24s02.html#id-
       	pixbufObj = Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_window(window, x, y, width, height)
        height = pixbufObj.get_height()
        width = pixbufObj.get_width()
        image = Image.frombuffer("RGB", (width, height), 
                                 pixbufObj.get_pixels(), 'raw', 'RGB', 0, 1)
        image = image.resize((width*20,height*20), Image.ANTIALIAS)

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