getting fileinput to do errors='ignore' or 'replace'?

Adam Funk a24061 at
Thu Dec 3 10:12:15 EST 2015

I'm having trouble with some input files that are almost all proper
UTF-8 but with a couple of troublesome characters mixed in, which I'd
like to ignore instead of throwing ValueError.  I've found the
openhook for the encoding

for line in fileinput.input(options.files, openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded("utf-8")):

which the documentation describes as "a hook which opens each file
with, using the given encoding to read the file", but
I'd like to also have the errors='ignore' or
errors='replace' effect.  Is it possible to do this?


Why is it drug addicts and computer afficionados are both 
called users?                          --- Clifford Stoll

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