static variables

Marko Rauhamaa marko at
Wed Dec 2 06:30:31 EST 2015

Antoon Pardon <antoon.pardon at>:

> Op 02-12-15 om 11:18 schreef Marko Rauhamaa:
>> I don't know why global accessibility is such a problem.
> Some people seem to have a problem with global variables.

Well, *I* don't go around defining global variables, but there are times
when they are the way to go. For example, if a module function uses a
regular expression, the regular expression should be compiled into a
(module) global variable.

Module functions and classes are global variables as well:

    >>> import math
    >>> def f(x): return -1
    >>> math.sqrt = f
    >>> math.sqrt(3)


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