Logging to a file from a C-extension

AllanPfalzgraf at Eaton.com AllanPfalzgraf at Eaton.com
Tue Aug 25 09:03:38 EDT 2015


You have understood my question.  I'm new to Python.  Could I use a Cython solution to get suggestions on just how to go about this in the C extension?  Otherwise could you suggest which C-API functions I should be looking at?


-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Behnel [mailto:stefan_ml at behnel.de] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: Logging to a file from a C-extension

Al Pfalzgraf schrieb am 18.08.2015 um 15:07:
> If a logging file is opened at the level of a Python application, how 
> would the log file name be communicated to a C-extension so that 
> logging from the extension would be sent to the same log file?

Writing to the file directly (as was suggested) may not be a good idea as it would bypass the log filtering and formatting. Instead, I'd suggest sending output to a normal Python Logger object instead.

This is obviously trivial in Cython (where you can just implement it in Python code), but you can do the same in C with just the usual C-API overhead.


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