pyjs - a compiler from Python to JavaScript

Ian Kelly ian.g.kelly at
Mon Aug 10 12:40:58 EDT 2015

On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 5:00 AM, Uri Even-Chen <uri at> wrote:
> Are you familiar with pyjs? I saw the website and I see that the latest stable release is from May 2012. Is it possible to use pyjs to compile Python to JavaScript? Which versions of Python are supported? Are versions 2.7 and 3.4 supported? And is it possible to use Django (in the client side) and JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery, jQuery UI and jQuery plugins together with pyjs?

And if you check the commit history on GitHub, there are only two
commits in the past year. The project was hijacked (i.e. forked plus
"we're taking the domain name and the mailing list too") a few years
ago (also in May 2012, I think not coincidentally), and that sadly
seems to have slowly killed the development momentum on the project.

I'm not really familiar with the space, but I tend to hear good things
about Brython. PyPy.js and Skulpt are other alternatives. However, I
think that all of these are implementations of Python in Javascript,
not Python to Javascript compilers.

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