Installation Successful, but pythonw and idle doesn't function

Rick Smith python at
Wed Aug 5 12:12:38 EDT 2015

I was able to install various versions of Python (3.5.0b4 32bit being 
the most recent) multiple times (uninstalling in between) and they 
worked ("python --version" at the command line worked).

However pythonw.exe did not and does not work. I was simply returned to 
the command prompt, without ANY interaction or error.



I also attempted to run "idle", with the following results:

   ** IDLE can't import Tkinter.
   Your Python may not be configured for Tk. **

I finally attempted the installation using ONLY the default 
installation choice and got the same results. I had attempted previous 
installations using a "custom" configuration each time, also with the 
SAME results.

There was an older version (2.3.5) installed from a CD from a Python 
book, but this was uninstalled as well. (I believe that version did 
work with pythonw.)

I have checked online for answers and they involve adding paths to the 
"Path" environmental variable, moving libraries or deleting files in 
the ".idlerc" directory. I have attempted ALL of the. One mentioned 
using the ActiveState version, which I will try later.

So, I am at a complete loss -- I am running Windows Visa Home Premium 
32 bit, but I did not see any "incompatibility" with Vista mentioned. I 
did search for all "python" in the registry and did find "residue" from 
every unique version installed. I removed all of them and attempted a 
fresh, default install of the latest version -- same problem.

The path included:


The long path was due to the default installation. I added the final 
path item.

I also added a "PythonPath" environment variable with the same contents 
as I saw that mentioned as a solution to this issue.

The problem seems rare and may be due to a previous installation and 
Vista -- I can't tell. Am willing to try anything.

I have NO idea of what to do next to install the version on 
this Toshiba laptop.

Please let me know.

Thank you.

Rick Smith

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