Send data to asyncio coroutine

Javier jcarmena at
Sat Aug 1 15:07:33 EDT 2015

El sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015, 20:46:49 (UTC+2), Mark Lawrence  escribió:
> On 01/08/2015 19:38, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
> > Javier <jcarmena at>:
> >
> >> El sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015, 18:45:17 (UTC+2), Mark Lawrence  escribió:
> >>> clearly you know better than the Python core developers
> >>
> >> Nobody thinks that self is better than core developers, and personaly
> >> I don't think I am better than anybody, but, I have my own opinion.
> >
> > It is odd how an engineering forum like this one so often judges ideas
> > based on the pedigree of the participants rather than objective
> > technical arguments.
> >
> >
> > Marko
> >
> What I find odd is that the bleating and whinging comes long after the 
> PEP process has finished and the code is already in production. 
> Wouldn't it be easier for everybody all around to sort this out right at 
> the start of the process?
> -- 
> My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
> what you can do for our language.
> Mark Lawrence

I think so too, Mark, but I talk about it when I have used it. I came from blocking IO development. But isn't this a live language?

Well! let's forget all this and let's work with python 3.4 :)

My intention now is to use the asyncio.StreamReader passed as argument to the asyncio.start_server callback to read objects serialized with pickle. The problems are that pickle cant read from it (because dont yield from the full stack) and that I don't know the exact length of each serialized object, so I can't extract data manually.

Knows anybody the steps to follow?


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