Lucky numbers in Python

Dave Angel davea at
Thu Apr 30 15:28:56 EDT 2015

On 04/30/2015 02:55 PM, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
> Because I want the code to work with Python 3 also, the code is now:
>      def lucky_numbers(n):
>          """
>          Lucky numbers from 1 up-to n
>          """
>          if n < 3:
>              return [1]
>          sieve = list(range(1, n + 1, 2))
>          sieve_index = 1
>          while True:
>              sieve_len   = len(sieve)
>              if (sieve_index + 1) > sieve_len:
>                  break
>              skip_count  = sieve[sieve_index]
>              if sieve_len < skip_count:
>                  break
>              del sieve[skip_count - 1 : : skip_count]
>              sieve_index += 1
>          return sieve
> It looks like the list in:
>          sieve = list(range(1, n + 1, 2))
> does not have much influence in Python 2. So I was thinking of leaving
> the code like it is. Or is it better to check and do the list only
> with Python 3?

I'd do something like this at top of the module:

     range = xrange
except NameError as ex:

then use range as it is defined in Python3.

if that makes you nervous, then define irange = xrange, and if it gets a 
NameError exception, irange = range


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