Testing scheduling

Ark cloudneozero at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 11:47:43 EDT 2015

Hi everyone.
I'm trying to test scheduling with asyncio. I have a function that executes
call_later to run a method later in the future. Basically, what I'm trying
to do is what you do in Twisted with the method callLater of a fictional
Clock, to simulate time passage with the advance method.

class ClientCalculationTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.tr = proto_helpers.StringTransportWithDisconnection()
        self.clock = task.Clock()
        self.proto = RemoteCalculationClient()
        self.tr.protocol = self.proto
        self.proto.callLater = self.clock.callLater

    def test_timeout(self):
        d = self.proto.add(9, 4)
        self.assertEqual(self.tr.value(), 'add 9 4\r\n')
        return self.assertFailure(d, ClientTimeoutError)

Is there any way to do this with asyncio?. Thanks for any help provided.
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