python : timeit - Tool for measuring execution time

Ben Finney ben+python at
Wed Apr 22 01:52:41 EDT 2015

Ganesh Pal <ganesh1pal at> writes:

> Iam running the below command on Linux machine have Python 2.7
> installed ,

If it hasn't already been said: You should be targeting Python 3
wherever possible (with the ‘python3’ command).

Since you're not in this case – and you are specifically testing Python
2 features – you should get used to invoking Python 2 specifically, with
the ‘python2’ command.

> I was trying to figure out the speed difference between xrange and
> range functions.

This is the right way to do it. Thank you for actually measuring
specific performance!

> 10 loops, best of 3: 51.1 msec per loop
> Iam not able to understand what  why only 10 loops were run ?

What behaviour did you expect? You didn't ask for any particular number
of iterations, so you've allowed the tool to choose for you

The documentation for the ‘timeit’ module specifies what happens when
you omit the “number of iterations” parameter:

    If -n is not given, a suitable number of loops is calculated by
    trying successive powers of 10 until the total time is at least 0.2

> what does this mean and how does this work ?

I don't know what such a vague question means. Can you read the
documentation and ask some more specific question?

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Ben Finney

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