Burak Arslan burak.arslan at arskom.com.tr
Tue Nov 25 07:19:26 EST 2014


We've gone through the grunt work of researching and integrating
XMLDSIG, XAdES and UBL schemas and its various extensions and
dependencies and wrote a bunch of scripts that map these documents to
python objects.

UBL stands for Universal Business Language. It's an OASIS standard that
defines entities that every business (e.g. invoices, with optional
cryptographic signature and/or encryption) should be able to handle.
XMLDSIG and XAdES standards define cryptographic primitives for XML

The repository is made available under the three-clause BSD license
here: https://github.com/arskom/pyubl

We hope you find it useful and welcome any collaboration and feedback on
this subject.

Best regards,

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