What does zip mean?

Cameron Simpson cs at zip.com.au
Mon Nov 10 15:36:01 EST 2014

On 10Nov2014 17:19, Grant Edwards <invalid at invalid.invalid> wrote:
>On 2014-11-10, giacomo boffi <giacomo_boffi at inwind.it> wrote:
>> To help you understanding what is the `zip` builtin, please forget
>> about PKZip etc and think about the _zip fastener_ or _zipper_ in
>> your bag or in your trousers
>> In the bag you have two sequences of teeth that the zipper
>> binds together in interlocking pairs
>No, you don't. That's not how a zipper works.  Each tooth from side A,
>isn't bound with one from side B.  It's bound with _two_ of them from
>side B. And each of those is in turn bound with an additional tooth
>from side A, and so on...

This is true, but the analogy is still the correct one:-)

Your nitpicking will not help the OP.

Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au>

WFO: the normal throttle position for Denizens, squids, and unfortunates on
     50cc Honda step-throughs.

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