Script suddenly stops

Paul McNett paul at
Fri May 30 18:03:43 EDT 2014

On 5/29/14, 7:47 PM, Chris wrote:
> I'm trying to read ten 200 MB textfiles into a MySQL MyISAM database
> (Linux, ext4). The script output is suddenly stopping, while the Python
> process is still running (or should I say sleeping?). It's not in top,
> but in ps visible.

Does it stop in the same place every time? How long are you waiting 
before giving up? Is it at all possible that it is the MySQL side that 
is blocking?

> Why is it stopping? Is there a way to make it continue, without calling
> "kill -9", deleting the processed lines and starting it again?

One thing to try (maybe, depending on whether it still fits into your 
requirements for a database transaction) is to increase the number of 
rows inserted before each commit.

> [1]

It won't have any bearing, but those globals aren't necessary...


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