IDE for python

Mark H Harris harrismh777 at
Wed May 28 10:25:11 EDT 2014

On 5/28/14 5:43 AM, Sameer Rathoud wrote:

> I am currently using python 3.3
> With python I got IDLE, but I am not very comfortable with this.
> Please suggest, if we have any free ide for python development.

I tend to agree with Chris & Steven on this... a good gnu/linux desktop 
is the best IDE (debian, xfce, terminals galore)

Early in my unix career I learned VI (now VIM) and find that for most 
editing jobs (even from remote) --- can't be beat.

OTOH, I would highly recommend getting comfortable with IDLE; especially 
if you're using 3.3+ /   the modern IDLE works, is stable, and has many 
advantages over just a tabbed editor. It is highly configurable, simple 
and elegant, not to mention that its written against tkinter with pure 
python. Today I'm using IDLE for python development almost exclusively.

You no doubt are getting comfortable with python's indentation code 
blocking delimiting anomaly. IDLE helps with that. Yes, you can use 
tabs, but you shouldn't (for several reasons, I spare you). Typically 
the indentation is 4 spaces; IDLE handles this for you automatically 
(mostly) and allows the 4 spaces to be reconfigured.

The only really irritating aspect of IDLE which I had to get used to was 
that the interactive REPL provides no way to clear the screen. Its 
debugging capabilities (and undo levels) more than make up for that tiny 
small snag.

You will come to appreciate the class path browser, recent files, &c. 
The default highlight colors are well chosen (they may be changed) and 
the window size and fonts may be changed. I think IDLE looks good. Its 
clean, clear, and functional.

I guess what I'm encouraging you to do is be patient with IDLE until you 
get a grip on it. There's more to it than meets the eye, at first.


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