ANN: pdb-clone 1.6 - a fast clone of pdb with the remote debugging and attach features

Xavier de Gaye xdegaye at
Mon May 19 09:36:16 EDT 2014

pdb-clone 1.6 has been released at Pypi:

   * Improve significantly pdb performance. With breakpoints, pdb-clone runs just above the speed of the interpreter while pdb runs at 10 to 100 times the speed of the interpreter.

   * Instrument the code with a `set_trace_remote()` hard-coded breakpoint and run the `pdb-attach` script from another terminal to start a remote debugging session. Or, when the code has not been 
instrumented, run `pdb-attach` with the `--pid` option to start the remote debugging session at any time and attach to the process main thread.

   * Fix pdb long standing bugs entered in the python issue tracker.

   * Add a bdb comprehensive test suite (more than 70 tests) and run both the Python pdb and pdb-clone bdb test suites.

   * Three versions of pdb-clone are supported:
     * The _py3_ version of pdb-clone runs on python3 from python 3.2 onward.
     * The _py2.7_ vesion runs on python 2.7.
     * The _py2.4_ version runs on all python versions from 2.4 to 2.7 included.

The pdb command line interface remains unchanged except for the new `detach` pdb command. All the versions of pdb-clone implement the most recent python3 features of pdb.

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