using a new computer and bringing needed libraries to it

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Sat May 17 20:29:18 EDT 2014

On 5/17/2014 7:53 PM, CM wrote:
> If I want to switch my work from one computer to a new one, and I
> have lots of various libraries installed on the original computer,
> what's the best way to switch that all to the new computer?  I'm
> hoping there is some simple way like just copying the
> Python/Lib/site-packages folder, but I'm also guessing this isn't
> sufficient.

Have your tried it? Since Python only cares about the contents of 
site-packages, copying should be fine, at least as far as python is 
concerned. I have copied pythonx.y/Lib/site-packages to 
pythonx.(y+1)/Lib/site-packages more than once.

In each site-packages, I also have python.pth containing, in my case, 
"F:/Python". packages and modules in F:/Python are imported the same as 
if they were in each site-packages. This avoids copying and lets me try 
the same file on multiple versions.

Copying does not copy registry entries or anything outside of 
site-packages. I do not know whether pip, for instance, does either.

Terry Jan Reedy

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