Directory Caching, suggestions and comments?

Benjamin Schollnick benjamin at
Thu May 15 15:34:50 EDT 2014


I am going to be using this code as part of a web system, and I would love
any feedback, comments and criticism.

Just as a side note, I'm not completely PEP 8.  I know that, I use a
slightly laxer setting in pylint, but I'm working my way up to it...

I am using scandir from benhoyt to speed up the directory listings, and
data collection.

The module is here as well,

I had considered using OrderedDicts, but I really didn't see how that would
help the system.

I'm not completely happy with the return_sort_* functions, since they
return two different tuples, one goal was to try to keep everything in the
dictionary, but I couldn't think of a better method.

So any suggestions are welcome.

     - Benjamin

    Directory Caching system.

    Used to cache & speed up directory listing.

Preqs -

    Scandir -

    scandir is a module which provides a generator version of
    os.listdir() that also exposes the extra file information the
    operating system returns when you iterate a directory.

    Generally 2-3 (or more) times faster than the standard library.
    (It's quite noticeable!)
import os
import os.path
import re
from stat import ST_MODE, ST_INO, ST_DEV, ST_NLINK, ST_UID, ST_GID, \
                    ST_SIZE, ST_ATIME, ST_MTIME, ST_CTIME

import time
import scandir

plugin_name = "dir_cache"

class   CachedDirectory(object):
    For example:

        To be added shortly.

    def __init__(self):
        self.files_to_ignore = ['.ds_store', '.htaccess']
        self.root_path = None
            # This is the path in the OS that is being examined
            #    (e.g. /Volumes/Users/username/)
        self.directory_cache = {}

    def _scan_directory_list(self, scan_directory):
            Scan the directory "scan_directory", and save it to the
            self.directory_cache dictionary.

            Low Level function, intended to be used by the populate
        scan_directory = os.path.abspath(scan_directory)
        directories = {}
        files = {}
        self.directory_cache[scan_directory.strip().lower()] = {}
= 0

self.directory_cache[scan_directory.strip().lower()]["number_files"] = 0
        for x in scandir.scandir(scan_directory):
            st = x.lstat()
            data = {}
            data["fq_filename"] = os.path.realpath(scan_directory).lower()
+ \
            data["parentdirectory"] = os.sep.join(\
            data["st_mode"] = st[ST_MODE]
            data["st_inode"] = st[ST_INO]
            data["st_dev"] = st[ST_DEV]
            data["st_nlink"] = st[ST_NLINK]
            data["st_uid"] = st[ST_UID]
            data["st_gid"] = st[ST_GID]
            data["compressed"] = st[ST_SIZE]
            data["st_size"] = st[ST_SIZE]       #10
            data["st_atime"] = st[ST_ATIME]     #11
            data["raw_st_mtime"] = st[ST_MTIME] #12
            data["st_mtime"] = time.asctime(time.localtime(st[ST_MTIME]))
            data["st_ctime"] = st[ST_CTIME]
            if not in self.files_to_ignore:
                if x.is_dir():
                        ["number_dirs"] += 1
                    data["archivefilename"] = ""
                    data["filename"] = ""
                    data["directoryname"] =
                    data["dot_extension"] = ".dir"
                    data["file_extension"] = "dir"
                    directories[] = True
                    data["number_files"] = self.directory_cache\
                    data["number_dirs"] = self.directory_cache\
                    directories[] = data
                        ["number_files"] += 1
                    data["archivefilename"] = ""
                    data["filename"] =
                    data["directoryname"] = scan_directory
                    data["dot_extension"] = os.path.splitext\
                    data["file_extension"] = os.path.splitext\
                    files[] = data
        self.directory_cache[scan_directory.strip().lower()]["files"] =
                ["dirs"] = directories
                ["last_scanned_time"] = time.time()

    def directory_in_cache(self, scan_directory):
            Pass the target directory

            Will return True if the directory is already cached
            Will return False if the directory is not already cached
        scan_directory = os.path.realpath(scan_directory).lower().strip()
        return scan_directory in self.directory_cache.keys()

    def directory_changed(self, scan_directory):
            Pass the target directory as scan_directory.

            Will return True if the directory has changed,
            or does not exist in cache.

            Returns False, if the directory exists in cache, and
            has not changed since the last read.

            This relies on the directory's Modified Time actually
            being updated since the last update.
        if self.directory_in_cache(scan_directory):
            scan_directory =
            st = os.stat(scan_directory)
            return st[ST_MTIME] > self.directory_cache[scan_directory]\
            return True

    def smart_read(self, scan_directory):
        This is a wrapper around the Read and changed functions.

        The scan_directory is passed in, converted to a normalized form,
        and then checked to see if it exists in the cache.

        If it doesn't exist (or is expired), then it is read.

        If it already exists *AND* has not expired, it is not

        Net affect, this will ensure the directory is in cache, and
        update to date.
        scan_directory = os.path.realpath(scan_directory).lower().strip()
        if self.directory_changed(scan_directory):

    def return_sort_name(self, scan_directory, reverse=False):
        Return sorted list(s) from the Directory Cache for the
        Scanned directory, sorted by name.

        Returns 2 tuples of date, T[0] - Files, and T[1] - Directories
        which contain the data from the cached directory.
        scan_directory = os.path.realpath(scan_directory).lower().strip()
        files = self.directory_cache[scan_directory]["files"]
        dirs = self.directory_cache[scan_directory]["dirs"]
        sorted_files = sorted(files.items(),
                              key=lambda t: t[1]["filename"],
        sorted_dirs = sorted(dirs.items(),
                             key=lambda t: t[1]["directoryname"],
        return (sorted_files, sorted_dirs)

    def return_sort_lmod(self, scan_directory, reverse=False):
        Return sorted list(s) from the Directory Cache for the
        Scanned directory, sorted by Last Modified.

        Returns 2 tuples of date, T[0] - Files, and T[1] - Directories
        which contain the data from the cached directory.
        scan_directory = os.path.realpath(scan_directory).lower().strip()
        files = self.directory_cache[scan_directory]["files"]
        dirs = self.directory_cache[scan_directory]["dirs"]
        sorted_files = sorted(files.items(),
                              key=lambda t: t[1]["raw_st_mtime"],
        sorted_dirs = sorted(dirs.items(),
                             key=lambda t: t[1]["raw_st_mtime"],
        return (sorted_files, sorted_dirs)

    def return_sort_ctime(self, scan_directory, reverse=False):
        Return sorted list(s) from the Directory Cache for the
        Scanned directory, sorted by Creation Time.

        Returns 2 tuples of date, T[0] - Files, and T[1] - Directories
        which contain the data from the cached directory.
        scan_directory = os.path.realpath(scan_directory).lower().strip()
        files = self.directory_cache[scan_directory]["files"]
        dirs = self.directory_cache[scan_directory]["dirs"]
        sorted_files = sorted(files.items(),
                              key=lambda t: t[1]["st_ctime"],
        sorted_dirs = sorted(dirs.items(),
                             key=lambda t: t[1]["st_ctime"],
        return (sorted_files, sorted_dirs)
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