Everything you did not want to know about Unicode in Python 3

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Mon May 12 19:42:14 EDT 2014

On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 4:31 AM, Ian Kelly <ian.g.kelly at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just because his code sucks doesn't mean he's
> wrong about the state of Unicode and UNIX in Python 3.

Uhm... I think wrongness of code is generally fairly indicative of
wrongness of thinking :) If I write a rant about how Python's list
type sucks and it turns out my code is using it like a cons cell and
never putting more than two elements into a list, then you would
accurately conclude that I'm wrong about the state of data type
support in Python.

I don't have a problem with someone coming to the list here with
misconceptions. That's what discussions are for. But rants like that,
on blogs, I quickly get weary of reading. The tone is always "Look
what's so wrong", not inviting dialogue, and I can't be bothered
digging into the details to compose a full response. Chances are the
author's (a) not looking at what 3.4 and what's happened to improve
things (and certainly not 3.5 and what's going to happen), and (b) not
listening to responses anyway.


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