python-daemon interaction with multiprocessing (secure-smtpd)

Ben Finney ben at
Wed May 7 15:01:56 EDT 2014

Grant Edwards <invalid at invalid.invalid> writes:

> On 2014-05-07, Grant Edwards <invalid at invalid.invalid> wrote:
> >     How do you terminate a Python program that's using multiprocessing?
> It looks like you have to kill all the threads individually.  :/

As I understand it, the ‘multiprocessing’ module
<URL:> does not
create multiple threads; it creates multiple processes.

It also closely follows the API for the ‘threading’ module. That
includes the ability to manage a pool of workers

You can ask the pool of workers to close when they're done
Does that address the requirement?

 \         “Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “I think so, |
  `\    Brain, but if we give peas a chance, won't the lima beans feel |
_o__)                                left out?” —_Pinky and The Brain_ |
Ben Finney

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