Prob. Code Downloaded for Programming the Semantic Web (python code)

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Sat Jul 26 03:05:37 EDT 2014

On 7/25/2014 8:06 PM, Bruce Whealton wrote:

The book has python 2.x code. If the modules in the book use the Natural 
Language Toolkit (nltk), then I believe you are currently stuck with 
using 2.7.

If it does not, and you want to run with 3.3 or 3.4, then use 2to3 to do 
most to all of the conversion for you.

C:\Programs\Python34>python Tools/scripts/ -h
Usage: 2to3 [options] file|dir ...

   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   -d, --doctests_only   Fix up doctests only
   -f FIX, --fix=FIX     Each FIX specifies a transformation; default: all
   -j PROCESSES, --processes=PROCESSES
                         Run 2to3 concurrently
   -x NOFIX, --nofix=NOFIX
                         Prevent a transformation from being run
   -l, --list-fixes      List available transformations
   -p, --print-function  Modify the grammar so that print() is a function
   -v, --verbose         More verbose logging
   --no-diffs            Don't show diffs of the refactoring
   -w, --write           Write back modified files
   -n, --nobackups       Don't write backups for modified files
   -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir=OUTPUT_DIR
                         Put output files in this directory instead of
                         overwriting the input files.  Requires -n.
   -W, --write-unchanged-files
                         Also write files even if no changes were required
                         (useful with --output-dir); implies -w.
                         Append this string to all output filenames. 
                         -n if non-empty.  ex: --add-suffix='3' will 
                         .py3 files.

This is the user interface for lib2to3.

Terry Jan Reedy

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