Using pyVmomi

Ethan Furman ethan at
Thu Jul 24 14:33:48 EDT 2014

On 07/23/2014 01:14 PM, Joseph L. Casale wrote:
> I am doing some scripting with pyVmomi under 2.6.8 so the code may
> run directly on a vmware esxi server.
> As the code is long running, it surpasses the authentication timeout. For
> anyone familiar with this code and/or this style of programming, does anyone
> have a recommendation for an elegant authentication retry scheme for objects
> passed to code that will intermittently access the properties invoking calls.
> I'd prefer to not litter try/except blocks around the usage of the objects if
> possible.

You could:

   - have a single point of entry that can check and, if necessary, revalidate

   - create a helper that checks and, if necessary, revalidate, which is then
     called where ever needed

   - create a decorator that does the above for each function that needs it


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