Python 3 is killing Python

Marko Rauhamaa marko at
Tue Jul 15 13:38:40 EDT 2014

Chris Angelico <rosuav at>:

> Fine. Tell me how you would go about adding true Unicode support to
> Python 2.7, while still having it able to import an unchanged program.
> Trick question - it's fundamentally impossible, because an unchanged
> program will not distinguish between bytes and text, but true Unicode
> support requires that they be distinguished.

Python 2 has always had unicode strings and [byte] strings. They were
always clearly distinguished. You really didn't have to change anything
for "true Unicode support".

> you may as well go straight to Py3 and take advantage of its features.

The first real new feature in Python 3 is asyncio. I've been perfectly
happy with select.epoll myself and written my own 50-line asyncio
equivalents so it remains to be seen how much traction asyncio will


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